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Simple remedies to everyday health issues - Optimum Health Cheat Sheet!!

Fruits, nuts, veggies, deep breathing, organic products, no parabens - we all know how beneficial they are to our health. Here is a quick question answer guide that tackles some common conditions giving simple remedies from your kitchen or your garden, for them and explaining why they are good for you. You will find many of them at our store eSutras Organics.

Use these tried and tested alternatives from Mother Nature to live a more healthy life. You will need less medication with this lifestyle than without! Remember these are not meant to take the place of medical advice.

Problem: You're worried you'll start wandering aimlessly through the city.
Prescription: A bag of almond M&M's

Chocolate-covered nuts may prevent or delay the development of Alzheimer's disease. It’s not the chocolate that protects you though; it’s the vitamin E in the almonds. A National Institutes of Health study found that the anti-oxidative properties of vitamin E reduce deterioration in the brain as you age. Just 2 ounces of almonds contain your entire recommended daily intake of vitamin E.

Problem: You can't breathe well.
Prescription: A few fish fillets each week

"Magnesium helps to improve lung function and reduce the frequency of asthma attacks", says Michael Dacey, M.D., a critical-care physician in Rhode Island. "Emergency rooms use magnesium to treat patients having acute attacks". Plus, recent research found that asthmatics with magnesium deficiencies spent more time in the hospital than those whose diets were rich in the stuff. For men with severe asthma, Dr. Dacey recommends eating at least one serving of fish, seafood, or spinach each day.

Problem: You've got sore joints
Half a cup of cooked, mixed vegetables

The more cooked vegetables you eat, the lower your risk of developing arthritis, according to a recent Greek study. Researchers studied the diets and health of 330 people and found that those who ate the most cooked vegetables were 75 percent less likely to develop arthritis than those who consumed the least. One possible reason: Heat destroys the vegetables’ cell walls, allowing your body to absorb more of the nutrients that would otherwise pass through your system.

Problem: Your gums bleed when you brush your teeth.
Prescription: An A.M. grapefruit

Inflamed gums hurt, and they can also mean you aren’t getting enough vitamin C, says Cyndi Thomson, Ph.D., R.D., an assistant professor at the University of Arizona. When you don’t get enough C, collagen in your body starts to break down. And that process starts in your gums. "One grapefruit provides your entire daily requirement of vitamin C", she says.

Problem: Your breath stinks.
Prescription: Eight glasses of water throughout the day

Instead of sucking on breath mints, keep a bottle of water by your side. "Bad breath is caused by sulfur compounds in your mouth, and sipping water frequently helps wash away those compounds and trigger the production of breath-neutralizing saliva", says Anthony Dailley, D.D.S., founder of the Center for Breath Treatment in San Francisco.

Problem: You've got diarrhea.
Prescription: A glass or two of wine

It's not the pink color of the stuff from the drug store that makes you feel better; it’s a compound called bismuth subsalicylate, which is also found in high levels in both red and white wine. According to one study, drinking a glass or two of wine is just as effective at controlling diarrhea as taking a single dose of most over-the-counter remedies. The bismuth compound appears to prevent diarrhea by slowing or stopping the growth of bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli, before they can make you any sicker. Problem: You drank too many Bloody Mary’s.

Prescription: Lots of virgin Mary's

Only time and aspirin can heal the effects of crazed celebration, but for a major hangover, reach for the red stuff-tomato juice. "If you're throwing up, it's likely you're low on potassium, calcium, and sodium", says Linda Van Horn, Ph.D., R.D., a professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University. "That combination is what leaves you feeling sick and exhausted". Tomato juice is a good source of all those nutrients, along with additional water to make up for the fluids you've lost.

Problem: You're worried about heart disease.
Prescription: Drink a beer (but just one)

Beer may lower your risk of heart attack, according to a University College of London study. Researchers followed men in the Czech Republic and found that those who drank an average of one beer a day had the lowest risk of heart disease. But men who drank an average of two or more beers a day lost that extra protection. Doctors theorize that ethanol in the beer thins the blood and helps protect the heart.

Problem: Your legs seize up after you leave the gym.
Prescription: A banana

You try to take care of your body by working out. It thanks you by cramping up. In most cases, though, those cramps don’t mean you overdid it at the gym. "Muscle cramps after a workout tend to be a sign of a deficiency", says Thomson. "Exercise depletes the nutrients your muscles need to function properly". The alternative to pain and cursing: Replenish your magnesium and potassium immediately by eating a banana and drinking a glass of water to fight off dehydration. "That should be enough to eliminate cramps before they occur", says Thomson.

Shop online at eSutras Organics today! 


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