According to Ayurveda, each meal should contain all six flavors: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, astringent, and pungent.
Each Dosha has a unique set of characteristics. There are several ways to determine your body type. The most accurate is through the detailed history and physical by an Ayurvedic physician. However, even taking a quick note of what you love about the foods you eat - will provide you with tremendous insight into your principal Dosha.
Most people are a combination of two Doshas, but one typically predominates.
The dominance of the flavors or types of foods we love will be based on our predominant Dosha makeup. Being mindful of those cravings is at the heart of maintaining optimal health for body and mind.

The Pitta Dosha
Pitta individuals are typically of medium build. Physically, they have good muscle tone; have a tendency to always feel warm; have premature graying hair or balding; have reddish complexions; enjoy high energy levels; and have really strong digestion – they can eat almost anything. Mentally, they are extremely intelligent, focused, ambitious people. Emotionally, they are passionate about life, have a tendency to be perfectionists, and can become easily irritated.
Pitta people should avoid hot spices, alcohol, coffee, vinegar, and acidic foods like citrus and tomatoes. Of course, these are typically their favorite foods!
The Vata Dosha
Vata, tends to be the most slender of the three body types. Vata people can actually find it difficult to gain weight. Physically, Vata individuals are thin with prominent bony structures; tend to be cold all the time; have dry skin and hair; and have little muscle tone. Mentally, they learn fast and forget fast, enjoy change, and are very creative. Emotionally, Vata types are excitable, enthusiastic, but can become easily anxious.
A Vata-predominant person will favor heavier meals with sour and salty tastes. They are also drawn to dry/crunchy foods, carbonated beverages, and cold/raw vegetables.
The 3 Ayurvedic body types, or Doshas, are Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
Each Dosha has a unique set of characteristics. There are several ways to determine your body type. The most accurate is through the detailed history and physical by an Ayurvedic physician. However, even taking a quick note of what you love about the foods you eat - will provide you with tremendous insight into your principal Dosha.
Most people are a combination of two Doshas, but one typically predominates.
The dominance of the flavors or types of foods we love will be based on our predominant Dosha makeup. Being mindful of those cravings is at the heart of maintaining optimal health for body and mind.
Kapha is typically the largest of the body types. Physically, they have wide hips/shoulders; thick wavy hair; good physical stamina. Mentally, Kapha types tend to me slow to learn, but they have great memories. Emotionally, they tend to be very loyal, stable, and reliable – they are often referred to as the “rocks” in a relationship.
A Kapha -predominant person, has the most inclination to all flavors. They will favor oils and fats, sweets and desserts. And will be found indulging once too often on salty-savory snacks! If you feel you lean towards being Kapha, the easiest remedy is exercise! 
The Pitta Dosha
Pitta individuals are typically of medium build. Physically, they have good muscle tone; have a tendency to always feel warm; have premature graying hair or balding; have reddish complexions; enjoy high energy levels; and have really strong digestion – they can eat almost anything. Mentally, they are extremely intelligent, focused, ambitious people. Emotionally, they are passionate about life, have a tendency to be perfectionists, and can become easily irritated.
Pitta people should avoid hot spices, alcohol, coffee, vinegar, and acidic foods like citrus and tomatoes. Of course, these are typically their favorite foods!
The Vata Dosha

A Vata-predominant person will favor heavier meals with sour and salty tastes. They are also drawn to dry/crunchy foods, carbonated beverages, and cold/raw vegetables.
Whatever your body type and whichever flavor you like most, being mindful of how you feel at each meal, will help bring balance to your body and mind.
I am Pitta - Kapha :)