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Showing posts from March, 2018

Mother Earth, Mother Nature, We the Children & Easter

Did you know the first Greek God was actually a Goddess?. he is Gaia, or Mother Earth, who created herself out of primordial chaos. From her fertile womb all life sprang, and unto Mother Earth all living things must return after their allotted span of life is over.  Gaia, as Mother Nature, personifies the entire ecosystem of Planet Earth.  Mother Nature is always working to achieve and maintain harmony, wholeness and balance within the environment. Mother Nature heals, nurtures and supports all life on this planet, and ultimately all life and health depend on Her. In time, Nature heals all ills. The way of Mother Gaia is the passive, feminine, Yin way of healing. All we need to do to regain our health is to return to the bosom of Mother Nature and live in accordance with Her laws. The Gaia archetype underlies all notions of the Nature Cure. Mother Nature is a healing goddess for the ancients whose glory was celebrated each spring, long before organized religion came into...

Nowruz - Spring Festival of Ancient Persia brings deliciousness....

Nowruz begins at the stroke of the vernal equinox, when the sun crosses the equator. This year it came early in the morning of March 21. When the equinox comes, millions of families of Iranian descent gather around a ceremonial table known as the haftseen. Tomorrow will be the last day - and each of the 7 foods, bearing names starting with S - would have been consumed in various dishes.... for Love, Luck, Health and Light -- How lovely is that? Sabzeh:  Some kind of sprout or grass that will continue to grow in the weeks leading up to the holiday, for rebirth and renewal Senjed:  Dried fruit, ideally a sweet fruit from an abundantly producing tree, for love Sib:  Apples, for beauty and health Seer:  Garlic, for medicine and taking care of oneself Samanu:  A sweet pudding, for wealth and fertility Serkeh:  Vinegar, for the patience and wisdom that comes with aging Sumac:  A Persian spice made from crushed sour red berries, for the sunris...

Brain-Boosting Snacks to Celebrate Pi - Day !

Of all the brain food snacks that will help improve memory and brain power, here are the top ones we recommend based on taste, cost, and ability to be eaten -and they can make you smarter, and help strengthen your brain.                                                                           Avocado, Blueberries, Coffee, Dark Chocolate,  Extra Virgin Coconut oil, Green Tea, Pumpkin Seeds, Red Wine, Spinach,Walnuts,  and of course Veggies... Spinach, kale, broccoli and other leafy green vegetables are rich in many brain-loving nutrients.                         Adults who ate just 13 grams of walnuts every day performed significantly better on cognitive tests than those who didn't, and so walnuts have been added to the ...

Women's Day - eSutras offers FREE Gifts !

A woman is a female human being. The term woman is usually reserved for an adult, with the term girl being the usual term for a female child or adolescent. Wikipedia For us: A Woman is a Human - Being Being Being. Period. (no pun intended) A Being on this planet - who for the most part better embodies what it takes to be a real Human Being - not simply a Human Doing. She is like Mother Earth - Humane, filled with love, strength, perseverance, tolerance, laughter, courage, faith, kookiness, creativity, wit, fairness, intelligence, and above all compassion. Thank you for being moms, sisters, daughters, mothers in law, sisters in law, cousins, and more than anything for BEING YOU. Just Beautiful You. We SALUTE ALL you beautiful women out there today! We offer every woman who follows our blog and likes our page a free gift. Just send us your address : Send Me The FREE Gif t # Womensday  ,  # beautifulwoman ,  # Women