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Neem is Nature's Best Herbal Blood Purifier, Moisturizer and Skin Rejuvenator

According to Ayurveda, the 5000 year medicine system from India, Neem Seed Oil  is Nature's Best Herbal Blood Purifier, Moisturizer and Skin Rejuvenator. A superior oil for detoxification and healing wounds! As per Indian doctors, Neem heals most wounds, skin diseases, acne, Rosacea, Eczema and dermal disorders. Leaves are anti-diabetic and possess lypolytic action. They are antipyretic and antiseptic also. *

The herb is a very well-known Blood Purifier in Ayurveda. * (Please note that this does not take the place of professional medical advise, so check with your doctorm before using Neem for persistant problems)

Neem (Azadirachta indica) is one of the most sacred trees in India. The neem is an evergreen tree indigenous to South Asia, but it grows in most tropical nations the world over including West Africa. Almost every family compound in the villages in India contains a neem tree. They are planted in school yards, on the edges of fields, and along roads as well. Every part of the neem tree has been used in traditional medicine in India and other countries. Multiple studies have shown neem oil as well as leaf and bark extracts to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant and antifungal properties. Furthermore, neem oil is very rich in fatty acids and is an excellent moisturizer. These properties make neem oil and neem extracts effective in treating skin conditions such as extreme dryness. For all skin related conditions, we recommend Neem Oil. It has been used to successfully treat acne, and help accelerate the healing of burns. It is used to prevent the spread of infection at the site of burns. Neem (paste made from leaves applied topically) alleviates the external symptoms (e.g. Itching, Scarring and Rash) of Chickenpox. Neem Oil can help to alleviate Dandruff, Dry Skin and Eczema. Hemorrhoids, Insect bites and stings (especially mosquitoes) have been helped with the application of Neem Oil. Neem (seed oil applied topically and leaf extract consumed orally) alleviates Psoriasis.
Neem (applied topically) alleviates Rashes (according to anecdotal reports).
Neem (cream applied topically together with Neem leaf capsules consumed orally) alleviates Shingles - Neem may also attack the Herpes Zoster Virus that causes Shingles. How to use the Neem Oil (Everyday use)

For direct application to the skin, take a small amount in the palm of your hand. Rub your hands together to warm up the oil until it is smooth and liquid. Then apply to your skin. If you are concerned about an oily feeling, use only a small amount or apply this amazing herbal combination before going to bed. Relief from eczema and psoriasis is almost instantly seen!

If you have dry, itchy scalp - here is a bonus. This product can also be applied to your hair. Some people apply it before washing to protect the hair from harsh shampoos. Apply it in the same manner as to the skin.

NEEM OIL for PETS, Dogs, Cats, Horses - and Livestock.

Vets recommend Neem as a Holistic Remedy for the treatment of mange

Helps heal many of your pets skin infections and allergies. Treats Mange Infestation. May be used as an effective flea control ingredient.You can add 1tsp of Neem oil to your pet's shampoo (8oz) bottle to increase its anti -fungal and anti-bacterial effect!Bonus uses of Neem oil around your home and garden! Troubled by wool moths? Neem works as an effective insecticide against wool moths, ants, termites, fleas and sand fleas, as well as flying mosquitoes and their larvae. It is considered completely non toxic to humans, pets and livestock. It is also used as a foliar feed fertilizer, sprayed on the leaves of plants. And it is taken in small doses internally for the elimination of gut parasites. To use, add 1/2 teaspoon to 1 cup warm water in a spray bottle. Shake and spray: clothing, counters, woodwork, window and door screens, skin. Can be applied directly to the skin (recommend to dilute with pure vegetable oil at about a 1 tablespoon Neem oil to 4 tablespoons of oil.) Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All of eSutras Green Homes & Garden products are designed for personal home use, and T.C. Bauer Co. cannot retain liability for the use of our products in any kind of commercial setting. Please refer to the FDA website and your local government for regulations on the use of herbal products.

Shop online at eSutras Organics today! 


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