Aside from the amazing products we offer, eSutras Organics tries to help the community we live in. Our community doesn’t just mean the neighborhood we reside in, it extends to people all over the world who want to make a difference.
The difference we’re talking about is providing green living, whether it is the food you eat, products you use, or causes you support. From donations to sponsorship to participating in events that get the word out, eSutras Organics tries to be involved in the living green community as much as possible. Here are a few associations we have donated products to or volunteered our time, maybe knowing that there is a way to help will inspire the people who use our products to take it a step further and become involved in the cause.
Trees for the Future – A simple yet effective way to get more trees out there. A small tree will grow and help future generations. A very smart organization to start with. www.plant-trees.org/
Prairie Crossing Charter School -A public school that transforms our children through academic discovery and interaction with our unique natural, ecological, and community resources. prairiecrossingcharterschool.org/
PETA – eSutras Organics are all about the animals. Save one today and have a lifelong friend!
ASPCA – Rescue a pet and you won’t regret it! Animals need our love and support.
Green Parents Network – An organization that promotes parents starting their kids off on the right path...the organic one! The best way to help promote green living is by showing the next generation it’s the most important thing to do. www.greenparentsnetwork.com
World Land Trust – We made a donation to help save an elephant habitat in India!
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