Sub-continental Popcorn
Simple and perfect for a relaxing movie night at home. Try it today!
(Submitted by Brian Solem)

2. Place over medium heat on your stove-top.
3. While the ghee melts, add four kernels of popcorn (preferably organic) and cover the pot.
4. When those test kernels pop (it may take 5-7 minutes), remove the pot from the heat, drop 2/3 cup of popcorn kernels in the pot, and swirl around to evenly coat the kernels in the hot ghee. Return to the heat and cover.
5. The kernels will begin popping with increasing rapidity. Swirl the pot every once in awhile to ensure the seeds stay on the bottom and the popped kernels stay on top.
6. When the popping slows considerably, remove the pot from the heat and pour in up to 1 tablespoon of eSutras Curry Chili Salt. Cover and shake/swirl pot dramatically to coat as many kernels as possible.
7. Pour popcorn into a bowl and enjoy!
Lots of Love,
Teri Ridley
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