Cupuassu - Raw Wild White Cocoa Nibs from the Amazon..Eat one of these little beans, and you are getting a concentrated source of anti-oxidants +

Eat one of these little beans, and you are getting a concentrated source
of anti-oxidants, magnesium, chromium and vitamin C. More than any other food
around and way better than popping a synthetic supplement or pill.
at – no higher than 115 F temperature, raw cocoa nibs WITHOUT the bitter and
just as healthy!
in the depths of Amazon jungle, this exquisite bean is prized as a snack, a
delicacy, a cocoa (chocolate) craving fixer and a super food all at once.
Uses: Cupuassu has
a rich history of medicinal applications, and 16th century texts from
post-European contact describe nearly 100 tonic benefits/uses aside from a
fermented, dried seeds are considered an aphrodisiac, and for this purpose it
was revered by the Maya and Aztec.

Now that you know about this absolutely delicious delight - BUY SOME here ...AT 25% DISCOUNT JUST for our blog readers.....
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