Over the weekend I got sick. I’m not sure how it happened. The science of it is simple, germs get you sick, not weather. But weather can contribute to illness. With cold weather comes the incline to stay indoors where germs are able to spread easier. Cold weather also enables people to become less active. These things weaken the immune system, making the body more prone to illnesses.
Sunday, I felt a tickle, and when I woke up Monday a full blown sore throat and a cough to boot. Luckily, I had an array of awesome eSutras Organics products that have been miracle healers!
· eSutras Organics Immuni Tea - This incredible tea will help support your body's own regenerative mechanisms to fight infection and degeneration from within. Help reduce your risks for common diseases and make the immune system stronger. I drank nearly four cups of this amazing elixir and felt revitalized and ready to face the day!
· Neem – From our extract capsules, whole leaves, and even oil! We offer this amazing, natural cure-all for a great price. Various parts of the Neem tree have been used as traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India.
Check out all of our products that offer pre-emptive AND illness fighting abilities!
Teri Ridley, eSutras Organics
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