Our Absinthe Kits - includes thujone rich wormwood!
The oldest technique for making absinthe is to simply steep wormwood and other spices - star anise, anise seed, fennel, hyssop, angelica root, sweet flag, coriander, lemon balm or peppermint - in an alcoholic drink like beer, wine or a neutral spirit. This method is far simpler, quicker and does not violate government distillation regulations. This eSutras Absinthe Kit provides the ingredients to make your own traditional, steeped absinthe!
Absinthe was invented by Dr. Pierre Ordinaire in 1797 and became an extremely popular drink during the early 19th and 20th century. Originally, absinthe was developed as an elixir help treat particular illnesses. One of the leading ladies of the Seventeenth century French court became ill and was prescribed the first absinthe in modern history. Due to the success of absinthe, its popularity soared and was propelled into the market primarily led by France.
Kit Includes:
* 1 ounce wormwood herbal mixture pouch of typical thujone-containing herbs & spices, makes 2 liters.
* 1/2 ounce traditional flavoring herbal mixture pouch including citron, lemon balm and mint, makes 2 liters.
* 2 classic amber glass steeping bottles.
* 2 unbleached 100% cotton muslin bags, perfect for infusing herbs.
* 12 specialized absinthe sugar cubes.
* Informational pamphlet on absinthe instructions, recipes and rituals.
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