Holistic Moms Network is a non-profit organization that promotes natural and organic living for families. They help connect people around the nation with others who are advocates of a natural living environment in their homes. They also offer a few products that are recycled and general promote the Network and all the good things they do. Many other organic organizations made awesome donations to this wonderful cause, so if someone outbids you for our special gift, you can always find another amazing product to bid on and help Holistic Moms Network out!
To register to bid and win check out www.onlineauction.com. Search ”holisticmoms” in the Member search tab, then View All Member’s Auctions, and you’re all set to register to bid and win. Registering is completely free, too!
The entire auction will be held online giving everyone a chance to bid on these amazing prizes. The auction will run ‘til October 8, 2011, 7:30 p.m. ET. You don’t want to miss this really great auction for a really great cause.
And while you’re online, check out our site www.esutras.com for all of our other amazing gift sets and low-priced items for the holidays!
Teri Ridley, eSutras Organics
Shop online at eSutras Organics today!
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