The news has been abuzz lately with the talk of the company Monsanto. For those of you who don’t know Monsanto is the world’s leading producer of genetically engineered seeds, providing the technology in 90% of genetically engineered seeds in the U.S. Lately they have been under fire for a lawsuit brought against them by farmers seeking protection against Monsanto's predatory patent enforcements. Unfortunately the case was dismissed with little hope at appeal.
People devoted to the thriving of organic foods and should take a stand against this giant corporation, who has little regard for people and too much regard for profit. Do whatever you can to help these farmers out! Sign petitions, protest, or simply get the knowledge out. Every little bit counts. Hopefully if enough people are against their predatory ways that hurt farmers everywhere, we can show that organic and green living doesn’t have a monetary value!
eSutras Organics food is not related to Monsanto. We gather our amazing herbs from co-op farms around the world that are secluded from big corporation’s reaching hand. We are 100% fair trade and we strive to help small farmers. Our products are premium and outweigh any of our competitors in quality. Try a few of the all natural products eSutras Organics offer and know we are not just about big business, by providing the best for everyone!
· eSutras Organics Amaranth Seed - Amaranth Seeds are high in protein (16-18%) and contains the amino acids lysine and methionine, not typically found in other grains. It also has more than 20% of the recommended daily amount of calcium, iron, magnesium and folate. Great for vegans needing protein in their diet. Use: Cook amaranth like you would rice, until tender. Perfect for thickening soups, adding texture to oatmeal or using as a side dish in place of white rice.
· eSutras Organics Brown Flaxseed - Flax seeds are rich in alpha linoleic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fat that is a precursor to the form of omega-3 found in fish oils called EPA. Since the fats are found in their isolated form in flaxseed oil, it is a more concentrated source of ALA than the seeds themselves (although it doesn't have the other nutrients that the seeds do).
· eSutras Organics Green Tea Powder - Powdered green tea, or matcha, is a high quality tea used as a flavorful ingredient in recipes and for tea in the traditional Japanese tea ceremony. Because green tea powder is not filtered through a strainer or tea bag, the whole tea leaf is ingested. Healthy compounds in the leaf are not thrown away, so powdered green tea retains high levels of fiber and antioxidants
Teri Ridley, eSutras Organics
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