The number one question I get when I tell people I work for an organic food company is “Why is organic food so expensive?”
The second question I get is “Why should I buy organic?” Hopefully this information will answer both those questions.
My usually response is “It’s better for the environment, and you body in the long run.” But there are more concrete reasons organic food is beneficial to your life.
First off, organic food forbids the use of genetically-engineered ingredients, often known as GMOs (genetically-modified organisms). GMOs are species that have been altered, manipulated and designed in a laboratory, and foreign genes, have been inserted into them. Nearly 80% of the foods on supermarket shelves contain GMOs, and nearly all of the corn, soy and canola in the U.S. is genetically-modified. To make matter worse, no long-term safety studies on GMOs have ever been completed. Research has shown that GMOs cause infertility and asthma problems, as well as a litany of other health ailments.
Children are even affected by modified food. Adolescents nowadays are developing faster than ever due to farmers injecting hormones into stock. The idea is to fatten the animal so there’s more profit, but the harmful hormones are passed on to consumers, children, whose bodies are forced to grow faster than normal.
Organic food does none of these things. The cost is higher initially, but if you factor in health benefits and the different way organic living affect the environment, you can see the cost is well worth the results.
Organic food has high antioxidants levels. Antioxidants are powerful little molecules that help fight things like heart disease. The longer the fruit or vegetable are on the vine the more antioxidants it is able to accumulate. In my opinion organic food also tastes better. Flavors are left to grow with the more times vegetables get to grow. But the number one reason to buy organic is it supports the local economy. Since it seems like nearly impossible to take on a major, government backed company, it’s best to start small. Since most organic foods, especially veggies, are not treated with preservatives, they must be acquired local. When a local farmer is meeting the organic demand big corporation don’t adhere to we can start to shift the tide on the organic market.
Here are a couple eSutras Organics product that are 100% organic and packed full of nutrients. Non-organic products can’t compete!
· Brown flaxseed - Its high content of alpha linoleic acids has made the ancient flax seed become our modern miracle food. Alpha linoleic acid is a type of omega 3 fatty acid, similar to those found in fish such as salmon. Benefits of flax seed as shown in many studies include lowering total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. The warm, earthy and subtly nutty flavor of flaxseeds combined with an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids makes them an increasingly popular addition to the diets of many a health conscious consumer.
· Bael Fruit (Dried) - The fruit is rich in riboflavin and is used in numerous products like candy, squash, toffee, slab, pulp powder, and nectar. It is a very good source of protein. Fresh half-ripe Bel fruits are mildly astringent, but valuable for their rich nutritive, sweet, aromatic contents - very good for all kinds of stomach disorders used for dysentery and diarrhea.
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